
Archive for March, 2011

Scott’s sister came to town the week before last during Spring Break with the kids and I can’t tell you how excited Avery was. We don’t get to see them often because they live way over in Abilene. Texas is a BIG state so it’s about a 6-7 hour drive…longer when you have to take breaks with kids. Avery talks about her Colten and Connor all the time. They are so sweet to her and played her little games with her and chased her around. She had the time of her life with them.

We didn’t have the best weather while they were here so we didn’t get to go to the beach but we did go eat at the lake one day, went to the famous Houston Livestock Show another day, and Scott took them fishing and hunting for golf balls which they seemed to love most of all.
Eating at the lake (it was so windy):
Love these faces:
I unfortunately brought the wrong lens so many of these are out of focus 😦
Poor Mama!!!! So many babies…
Olivia the sheep 🙂 (so cute)


On another note, I want to remember my little 2 year olds funny comments this week:
1. Tonight, we were giving Olivia a bath and she came in said, “Hey, what’s going on in here?”
2. I picked her up from school today where we have her with the older 3 year olds class and she told me all her friends are bigger and she is little. I’m not sure if someone told her that or if she observed that.
3. She always tells me “Make me feel better with a treat.”
4. If she is upset, she is sure to tell me “Avery’s not happy right now.”

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Friends & Family

We have been very busy around here and have had our very special friends and family over to visit on the weekends.

Elizabeth and Brian came to visit after Avery’s haircut. They got to see Olivia for the first time :). I also had lunch with Mariam the week before but didn’t get any pictures unfortunately of Mariam and Olivia.


Mom and Dad have also been up to visit several times to see us since Olivia has been born. Wow, I’m also noticing that our grass looks so different now than it did two weeks ago. It’s amazing how fast it greened up as it looks like spring around here today!
Dawn and Matt came to stay with us, too! I also want to note that Dawn is due with Lyla Rose on May 17th and is so cute pregnant. I start to cry as I write this because the day before they came to visit, their home caught on fire. They were incredibly blessed that they had not left to go to Matt’s parents house yet and also that they woke up in time to get out without getting hurt. The damage was contained and words cannot explain how endlessly thankful we are to God that they were okay!!

This little munchkin is growing so fast!

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First Haircut

It was definitely time for a haircut so a couple of weekends ago we took Avery to Toni and Guy for her first haircut. She sat still the whole time and got to ride the carousel afterwards for being so good! We just had it trimmed in the front and had the back evened out.


Obviously, I’m not very good at taking pictures with the iPhone. My finger is in half of the pictures 😦

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One Month Old

Yesterday was Olivia’s 1 month birthday! We’ve been enjoying her soooo much. So far, she’s really been so laid back and easy-going. I hope this continues but I know it is still really early. She doesn’t cry much at all unless hungry and boy, if hungry, she will tell you. Avery loves to check on her and anytime she cries, Avery makes sure to come ask me if she’s okay (“Mommy, is baby sister okay?”) Avery really only calls her “baby sister.”

At 4 weeks, she still sleeps a lot but when awake, is really starting to be so observant by looking around at fun things. We brought out her play mat today and she loved it. I love listening to her little squeaks and I like to tease her that she sounds like a billy goat because she does.

As for Avery, she certainly keeps us entertained and I think she is at such a cute age (not counting her tantrums). This morning, I was getting her dressed for school and I said to her, “Come here, dear. Let’s put your shirt on.” Her response was, “I’m not a deer. I’m Avery.” My response while trying not to laugh, “Yes, you are Avery but you are my dear as well, not the animal, but as my special person.” It’s hard to believe she is going to be 3 in April. Where does the time go?

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Check out that headband 🙂 She took it off my head and told me to share the “CROWN” with her. Everything is all about being a princess:
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For Avery’s first 3 months, she slept in the car seat most of the time and Olivia does the same. She loves it and it keeps her in a semi-upright position so she doesn’t get reflux. I think it also makes her feel safe and secure. Our old pediatrician recommended it! He is too far away now but he was full of great information and tips that really helped us with Avery and now with Olivia.

She looks EXACTLY like Avery at this age in the picture.
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